
Deoxyschizandrin Product: Diiodohydroxyquinoline Product Name: Deoxyschizandrin N2580 CAS Number: 61281-38-7 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C24H32O6 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab for more information.…


Fargesin Product: Dienestrol Product Name: Fargesin N2574 CAS Number: 68296-27-5 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C21H22O6 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab for more information.…


Episyringaresinol Product: 2-Ethoxybenzamide Product Name: Episyringaresinol N2560 CAS Number: 51152-20-6 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C22H26O8 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab for more information.…


(+)-Matairesinol Product: K-Ras-IN-1 Product Name: (+)-Matairesinol N2554 CAS Number: 148409-36-3 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C20H22O6 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab for more information.…


(-)-Syringaresinol Product: Amentoflavone Product Name: (-)-Syringaresinol N2550 CAS Number: 6216-81-5 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C22H26O8 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab for more information.…


(+)-Nortrachelogenin Product: Tranilast (trans-) Product Name: (+)-Nortrachelogenin N2544 CAS Number: 61521-74-2 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C20H22O7 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab for more…