
Formosanol Product: Bafetinib Product Name: Formosanol N1446 CAS Number: 101312-79-2 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C21H24O6 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab for more information.…


Schizandrin Product: NADPH (tetracyclohexanamine) Product Name: Schizandrin N1438 CAS Number: 7432-28-2 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C24H32O7 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab for more…

Gomisin M2

Gomisin M2 Product: Sodium Fluoride Product Name: Gomisin M2 N1426 CAS Number: 82425-45-4 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C22H26O6 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab…


α-Conidendrin Product: Tartaric acid (disodium dihydrate) Product Name: α-Conidendrin N1422 CAS Number: 85699-62-3 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C20H20O6 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab…

Acanthoside B

Acanthoside B Product: Sodium orthovanadate Product Name: Acanthoside B N1416 CAS Number: 7374-79-0 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C28H36O13 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab…


Syringaresinol Product: Imidazole Product Name: Syringaresinol N1405 CAS Number: 1177-14-6 Source: This product is isolated and puried from plants Formula: C22H26O8 Biological Activity: Please contact the lab for more information.…